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Been a While: new post: NPC responsiveness, notes on FPS design and RPG design

 Hiya, it's been....... oh dear god. Well I've had a busy life, did briefly lose interest in ttrpgs on account of not being able to run a game, moved apart from old friend groups, y'know, shit happens. Well anyways, I've been trying to learn coding and wanna make an fps game, and have gotten very autistic over what makes for good enemies, gamefeel, and AI/behavior, and how much of this can apply to TTRPGs. So first thing is, I wanted to make a boomer shooter remake of the halo trilogy or halo 4 at some point, and that requires dealing with Halo's AI, which is famously pretty good. Well then I got to play halo ce, and it's kinda mid. Not that I doubt it's potential, I hear halo 2 was great, but I wonder what abt the AI is so smart. Saw some vids, and I'd never noticed, but halo's AI does try and execute nice tactical maneuvers and is regarded as smart cuz of its responsivenes and expressiveness. So my theoretical idea was basically, doom AI, but with

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